Nearly everyone could benefit from a little extra income, but sometimes saving extra money and having a full-time job aren’t enough. Good side hustles build recurring revenue streams that go a long way in earning extra income. Side hustlers come from diverse backgrounds and sell a wide range of products. […]
It’s been 10 years today since Google, and the subsidiary it spun up when it owned Motorola, created Project Ara with the goal of making modular smartphones a reality. That idea died. The concept of Project Ara was rather simple as an elevator pitch: it consisted of a skeleton phone […]
With the data consumption going through the roof, satellite communications services will become a critical tool to provide backhaul enabling telecom players to offer unprecedented amounts of capacity at low latency. Satellite communication services will complement terrestrial mobile networks in a big way, especially after the advent of 5G technology […]
Photo by Juanjo Jaramillo on Unsplash Hello to the thrilling realm of software engineering, where innovation and technology are ever-changing. With 2024 just around the corner, it is time to get a jump on tomorrow and take a look at today’s most influential software development trends. These trends can radically […]
The best student laptop should tick all the boxes for solid performance, durability, reliable battery life, and, importantly, offer good value for money. With a plethora of options available, finding the best laptop that meets a student’s unique educational needs can be daunting. The specific requirements of student life make […]
The Rabbit R1 recently went viral with its post-smartphone design and voice-driven interface – and now a minimalist concept phone has similarly promised to save us from endless doomscrolling. The suitably named Minimal Phone, which will be part of a crowdfunding campaign that starts in early February, looks like a cross […]
The 2-in-1 form factor has certainly come into its own over the last several years. There’s really no reason to limit yourself to a clamshell, as there’s a 2-in-1 that will meet the needs of all but the most demanding users in terms of sheer performance. We’ve reviewed every great […]
Adobe Stock Digital marketing is the cornerstone of marketing in the 21st century. As social media evolves, search engines become smarter, and the internet becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial for businesses to stay on top of the hottest digital marketing trends. “Marketing is largely a […]
By Sarah BregelFeatures correspondent Getty Images Customers revolt after Selkie confirms they’re using AI to stay “ahead” of the fashion curve. Are they right to feel betrayed? Selkie, a viral fashion brand that has pegged itself as “slow fashion” and sustainable, was recently found using generative AI to create its […]
Best Budget Laptop: Quick Menu I think the best budget laptops are good enough for basic work and play without feeling cheap. They don’t cost an arm and a leg yet offer decent performance, decent screens and battery life that’s good enough. They aren’t all stodgy grey clamshell laptops, either. […]